Version 12.0 Update/Changes

Version 12.0 Updates / Changes:

Challenges tab is now compatible with every screen resolution

Challenges explained: 
10 Minutes time for completion
Prestige bonus math -> Cbrt(LifetimeCurrency / Pow(10, 20)) (Cuberoot for (LifetimeCurrency / (Power of 10 to 20))
When completing the "Tier 9 Challenge" the Power to 20 becomes half (10) so the math is Cbrt(LifetimeCurrency / Pow(10, 10)) (double as effective)
Challenges can only be completed one time (for now)

Added an "Exit Button" on the left upper corner (Usefull for when your playing in fullscreen)

The game "Save/Load" buttons should now work whitout problems (it works for me)

Buy max shortcut - "M - key"
the game saves your current progress when exiting the game (if you haven't noticed)
the game also loads your last progress when starting the game (if you haven't noticed)

thanks to "Alphametric1"  for the reminder of the exit button :)

Files 28 MB
Version 12 May 21, 2020

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